complaints and feedback
Do you have a complaint or concern about one of our services? If so, we might be able to help you get it dealt with.
It's our job to take complaints and make sure they're responded to. Complaints are just as important as praise and appreciation in helping us improve our services.
You can make a complaint if a service or staff member:
didn’t comply with law or guidelines;
didn’t meet appropriate standards of care;
put someone's safety at risk;
impacted badly on someone, whether it was:
o you
o someone you know who uses our services
o a partner or family member
o a worker from another agency
o a member of the public
Your Privacy
Sometimes people feel reluctant to make complaints. They may be embarrassed, afraid that no-one will listen, or anxious about what will happen.
If you feel this way, you can give your feedback anonymously - you don’t have to identify yourself. We will respond to your comments, however you decide to make them.
Positive Feedback and Suggestions
We like to do the best job we can, so if you think our staff or services have done a good job in assisting you, or if you have some ideas about improvements, we’d really like to know about it.
If you're not sure about what you want to tell us, just call - we’d like to hear from you.
How to make a complaint OR give other feedback
To make a complaint OR give positive feedback and suggestions:
GO ON LINE - use one of the links to the Complaints or Positive Feedback web forms at the bottom of this page
TALK TO SOMEONE - phone us on 6230 6999 or visit our office (3.01 Griffin Centre, 20 Genge Street, Civic) to speak to the person you want - the worker or their supervisor, or one of the Directors.
o Paper forms: Complete a Complaints form, or a Positive Feedback and Suggestions form at the EveryMan office, and put it in the COMPLAINTS AND FEEDBACK box.
o Email: ask at the office for a staff member's email address, or click here to email us now.
o Letter: write to GPO Box 1753 ACT 2601
If you prefer, you can write directly to EveryMan's Board of Directors. If you’d like to contact the Board, address your letter like this:
Board of Directors,
EveryMan Australia Inc
GPO Box 1753
Please note: if you don't mark your letter 'Confidential' it will be read by the Executive Director
On-line forms: To make a complaint, click here... To give positive feedback or suggestions click here...
If you'd prefer to write your feedback or complaint on a paper form:
To get a Microsoft Word version click here or a PDF version click here.